AUGUST 2017 Silobela leadership called for a “must” attend meeting. Some of the identified Zanu PF leaders who called for this meeting are Mzacana Sibanda and Bekezela Sibanda. At the meeting which many villagers around Langton farm attended due to fear had a section where these attendees were forced to sign forms, which confirmed assurance they were going to vote for Zanu PF in the 2018 elections. It is alleged that on the form one would promise that they would vote for Zanu PF in the 2018 elections. It was also alleged that since Langton Farm is an informal settlement if one refused to sign the form they were threatened with eviction from the settlement. Some of the victims who were made to sign these forms against their will were Peter Sithole*, Patience Chingwe* and Fanuel Ncube* Chapwanya was identified by the victim. It was reported that the three Zanu PF youth including Chapwanya allegedly further told Chivasa that they had convincing evidence from reliable sources of him telling people in Senga not to attend the two functions. It was said Chivasa denied these allegations and demanded to know the sources of those allegations but the three Zanu PF youths refused to reveal the names. It is alleged that the three then went on to warn Chivasa that if he remained an active member of the MDC-T they (Zanu PF youth) will consider him an enemy especially in this period building up towards the 2018 elections. On 14 August, in Gokwe Sesame ward 12 Nemangwe a case of unfair discrimination on political grounds at a Heroes’ day commemorations football tournament was reported. On the day, all local and interested football teams were invited to participate in the tournament. It is alleged that Zanu PF ward chairperson Clear Ncube prevented one team from participating as they were said to be MDC-T supporters. It is alleged that this was done as its team members namely Polite Sibanda and Lucky Mpini were suspected to be from the MDCT. This led to the dissolving of the team and players who were not affected joined other teams that had been allowed to participate in the tournament. Category of incident August 2017 July 2017 Assault 2 0 Theft/looting 0 2 Discrimination 1 2 MDP 0 0 Intimidation/harassment 9 19 Disrupted Political Mtg 0 0 *Names of victims have been changed. In Chiwundura on 17 August at Senga Business Centre it was reported that three Zanu PF youths confronted Edwin Chivasa and allegedly accused him of telling some residents not to attend both the Heroes and Defence Forces days’ commemorations. Among the three youths only one Martin 22

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