AUGUST 2017 Food and Other Aid Violations 0/Zero 0/Zero 0/Zero 1/One 0/Zero 2/Two 0/Zero 0/Zero 0/Zero 0/Zero Threat level: Low Shepherd Mujuru of Hunyani Section, Ward 4 was denied social welfare food aid on 19 August. Mujuru had been sent by his elderly mother to collect her social welfare food allocation. The social welfare food distributions targeted the elderly and food for work beneficiaries. It is alleged that Tawanda Chitate, a Zanu PF Ward 4 Chairperson denied Mujuru social welfare food aid meant for Mujuru’s elderly mother. Mujuru was denied food because of his surname that is similar to that of NPP leader; he was told that he would get his food aid from National People’s Party president Joyce Mujuru. Mujuru who had been standing on behalf of his elderly mother was told that in future they will not benefit from social welfare and the beneficiary name was removed from the list. Threat level: Low It is alleged that there is a grade three pupil who has been denied her right to education at Forester J primary school, ward 27 in Mazowe North. When schools opened in May, school head, Takwana Ngoche, expelled *Melrose Mwembe accusing her of poor academic performance. Ngoche told Melrose’s father *Boyd Mwembe to find another school because his daughter was not performing well in her studies. He also said Melrose has a problem with her eyesight. The parents of the young girl were exempted from paying their debt to the school but encouraged to find another school. An administrator from the school confirmed to ZPP that Melrose has never reported to school since the expulsion 23

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