AUGUST 2017 On the 28th of August, in Nkayi South constituency ward 29, it is alleged that the Rural District Council led by Mr. Z Ndlovu evicted seven villagers from their homes at Sinyombo village. It is said that these villagers had been given permission to settle by the village head Mr. Mkhize. However, after a couple of years on the land, the council evicted the villagers arguing that they had been unlawfully given the land that belonged to the council. made it clear that those who failed to comply with the directive were to be left out in any government aid that included farming inputs and food schemes. As tasked by the ruling party, it is said that Velaphi Ndlovu and Nothando Tshabalala went door to door demanding individual contributions. It is alleged that those that refused or failed to comply, had their names noted for purposes of keeping a record for future reference. Category of incident August 2017 July 2017 Category of incident Assault 0 1 Theft/looting 1 0 Discrimination 2 2 Assault Theft/looting Discrimination Intimidation/harassment Displacement 1 0 Intimidation/harassment 2 16 August 2017 0 1 0 1 July 2017 0 0 2 2 Threat level: Low In Chiwundura, at Senga Business Centre on 4 August, it was reported that three unidentified Zanu PF youths assaulted Trish Muusha* a known MDCT member. It is alleged that the three confronted Muusha and demanded an MDC-T campaign programme from her. It was then reported that Muusha refused to comply with the orders, which led to the three assaulting her. It is alleged that the matter was reported at Senga Police but the police are alleged to have ignored the victim. Threat level: Low In Umzingwane constituency at Msizini ward 3, it was reported that during the preparatory meetings for the Zanu PF’s Presidential Youth Interface rally, villagers of Msizini area were instructed to contribute a minimum of 50 cents per head as means of transportation to the venue. It is said that during the meeting the area chairperson of Zanu PF, Dumisani Luphahla announced that all villagers were mandated to contribute a minimum of 50 cents for ferrying individuals to the venue. Luphahla On 12 August, in Silobela ward 25, Langton farm which is an informal settlement, the Zanu PF 21

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