AUGUST 2017 team of municipal police led by Kenneth Hwenjera forced vendors to attend the meeting. Municipal police forcefully took and confiscated goods belonging to vendors that had failed to comply. Several vendors lost their wares and among them was *Lucky Zindoga a local cell phone vendor who lost a number of cell phones. A group of Zanu PF youths who reside in Barrowsheet suburb, Goromonzi South allegedly assaulted four MDC-T supporters for wearing MDC-T party regalia. It is alleged that a Zanu PF youth group led by Maphios Makahamadze approached the four who were coming from an MDC-T rally held at Spar shopping centre. The MDC-T supporters were ordered to remove their party regalia but they resisted. The four were assaulted resulting in their clothes being torn. One of the victims identified as Cleopatra Makoni* ran away and called for backup and within minutes other MDC-T supporters intervened and rescued their colleagues. The incident was not reported to the police thus no arrests were made. Threat level: Low ZanuPF ward 15 councillor Roy Danha forced a group of pastors from Wedza North to contribute 50 cents each towards Heroes’ Day commemorations on 2 August. It is alleged that Danha had tasked pastors *Welcome Midzi and *Terrence Zarura to collect contributions and later the pastors were appointed to Zanu PF posts as chairperson and secretary. On 2 August Danha threatened the pastors “Guys kana mukasagadzirisa mari idzodzo muchaona moto, muchapinda mupfuvhu”. Loosley translated, he said the pastors would get themselves into trouble if they do not pay up. Danha told the pastors that no one was exempted from the contributions, as Heroes Day commemorations were a national event. Meanwhile on the same day a group of American Christians donated books, pencils and boxes of vegetable seeds. District chairperson Peter Chigodora and Danha publicly claimed that the donations were meant for their campaign. Goromonzi West villagers were forced to contribute $1 towards the Heroes’ Day commemorations. It is alleged that Hatious Marange from ward 7 was selected to coordinate collection of the money on 8 August. Households that could not contribute $1 due to financial challenges were ordered to contribute 5kg bags of maize instead. The commemorations were to be held at Umritsur farm in ward 8. ZanuPF youth leader, Tapiwa popularly known as Dread Taps intimidated people during the collections saying he will locate all those that fail to contribute. Vendors were forced to attend a star rally at Rudhaka stadium in Marondera where Vice President Mnangagwa was guest of honour on 3 August in Marondera Central. It is alleged that a Mafios Shekede an aide to Chief Samuriwo threatened headmen Thomas Chinyowa and Jason Nhumbe in Marondera West on 9 August. Shekede 16

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