AUGUST 2017 threatened to demolish newly built structures. It is alleged that Shekede accused headmen Chinyowa and Nhumbe for not adhering to Zanu PF values. Shekede accused the local traditional leadership of not vetting land seekers before selling them land. Shekede argued that newly resettled households would corrupt the community with oppositional ideologies. Heroes Day commemoration points. A Zanu PF Heroes’ committee led by Tasarira and Zanu PF officials forced school headmasters to channel their school buses to assist in transporting people. Among the schools that were forced was Saint Francis of Assisi Mission School. Their bus was assigned to ferry people to Chinyamukaro district Heroes acre. It is alleged that the Heroes’ committee did not fuel these buses leaving that burden to school authorities. Teachers from schools in Chikomba West were forced to contribute $1 towards the Heroes’ Day commemorations. The contributions were regarded as a sign of support for the ruling party. During a district meeting, district education inspectors Liberty Maweni, Benjamin Bhasera and Emmanuel Kwenda told school heads to come up with registers reflecting contributions made by teachers from Masarirambi, Munyati and Hilter Hunzvi primary schools. Two meetings were held on 9 August at Sadza secondary school and at Liebenberg high school to inform teachers of these contributions. A former Zanu PF ward Councillor John Karima stopped *Emanuel and *Clara Mwembe from getting married on Heroes Day in Kotwa, Mudzi North. It is alleged that Karima stopped the couple and ordered that the nuptials be postponed to another date. After the Mwembes defied the order, Karima threatened the family saying 2018 will be a dreadful year for them as they have failed to observe Heroes Day. Karima said that he regarded the family as opposition supporters for not complying with his request. Category of incident August 2017 July 2017 Assault 2 1 Theft/looting 7 6 Discrimination 0 4 MDP 1 0 Intimidation/harassment 14 20 Threat level: Low A house formerly used as a terror base during 2013 elections has caused controversy between two war veteran factions in Kadoma on 2 August. A Zanu PF supporter and member of the faction led by a war veteran popularly known as Comrade Lenny argued that the building reminded them of the atrocities committed during 2008 and 2013 Mission Schools in Mashonaland East were forced to ferry people to different venues for the Heroes’ Day commemorations. It is alleged that an instruction from the acting District Assistant Biliat Tasarira was dispatched to all schools with buses that they were to ferry people to the different 17

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