AUGUST 2017 Category of incident August 2017 July 2017 Theft/looting 1 0 Discrimination 1 0 MDP 0 1 Intimidation/harassment 3 2 Displacement 0 0 Forced to attend meetings 0 0 Murder 0 10 It is alleged that a National Peoples’ Party (NPP) member, *Lucky Chinyama, was intimidated by Zanu PF youths at Nzvimbo growth point ward 8, in Mazowe Central on 1 August. Chinyama was stopped on his way to the growth point by a group of about ten ruling party youths who hurled insults at him. Chinyama was told to ‘repent’ and rejoin Zanu PF otherwise he was heading for the worst ahead of the 2018 elections. They also threatened to assault him if he continued with activism on behalf of NPP. It is alleged that a political meeting held at MDC-T offices in Bindura North at Cactus Shashi View was disrupted by anti riot police on 3 August. The gathering of about 50 MDC-T supporters was forced to abandon their meeting when armed antiriot police officers arrived with dogs. The officers claimed that the meeting had not been cleared by the police. MDC-T national spokesperson Obert Gutu confirmed to ZPP that the developments were a true record. He asserted that the party was concerned about the disruption seeing as the meeting was internal and convened at their party offices. Zanu PF youths allegedly forced teachers at Somerset primary school to contribute money towards the Heroes’ Day Commemorations. On 4 August Patuma Bhobho, Georgina Kapare and seven other ruling party youths ordered teachers to each contribute a dollar. The Zanu PF supporters also threatened to facilitate the transfer of teachers to remote areas if they defied orders. The incident was recorded in Mazowe West in ward 31. Threat level: Medium A suspected member of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO), Robson Mkundu, allegedly assaulted two municipal police officers accusing them of delaying his journey to Mount Darwin after they clamped a commuter omnibus that he had boarded. The vehicle was clamped after dropping a passenger at a prohibited area on 1 August. Mkundu and the driver made efforts to negotiate but the conflict turned violent. The municipal police officers sustained injuries. The matter was reported to Bindura police; Mkundu was arrested and released after paying a fine . Zanu PF chairperson Abraham Mhembere allegedly forced Bindura South ward 12 villagers to make financial contributions towards the Heroes’ Day commemorations. On 6 August, Mhembere 12

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