AUGUST 2017 ordered all villagers to contribute towards the building of a clinic. It is alleged that Mushonga said villagers were supposed to contribute 2kgs of maize, any form of relish and $2 for paying soldiers who would work on the clinic. Those who failed to comply had their names noted and were threatened with unspecified action. Mushonga is alleged to have said all villagers must also work and help by any means possible in the building of the clinic after making contributions. It was said that ward 18 councilor, Paul Matendawafa was not supposed to participate as he is of the MDC-T. Threat level: Low On 12 August in Buhera West, Nhamoinesu village, Ward 6 it was reported that kraal head Thomas Paguva called a meeting at his homestead where he demanded that villagers pay 20 cents each so that they become beneficiaries of agricultural inputs for the next farming season. It is alleged that these funds were used to prepare for Heroes’ Day commemorations. Paguva further indicated that those who failed to contribute must not complain if they do not get anything that comes as aid from Zanu PF in future. In Chikanga/Dangamvura, areas of Sakubva high density suburb, Devonshire ward 16 on 29 August, informal settlers were allegedly forced to join Zanu PF cell structures. On the day Chikanga/Dangamvura constituency legislator Esau Mupfumi told all informal settlers to join a Zanu PF cell in preparation for the 2018 elections. One victim who was forced to join Zanu PF, Godfrey Mukungatu said that they were going to comply with Mupfumi’s orders since they were in desperate need of stands and Zanu PF is the only party, which can protect them if they comply with its demands. It is alleged that these informal settlements have residents living in appalling conditions and almost 1500 people stay in these informal settlements. It was also alleged that Mupfumi further stated that these families were a no go area for anyone else beside Zanu PF. The families were asked to report anyone seeking to address or mobilise them. In Nyanga South, Ward 19, Panongowawa village on 18 August, it was reported that village head John Magaso concvened what was supposed to be a developmental meeting but later turned out to be a Zanu PF meeting. It is alleged that the meeting was addressed by George Makoto’s chief election agent for the upcoming local authority by-election, Tendai Saruchera. The meeting was said to have been attended by around 40 people. The meeting was at Sedze Business Centre in Panongowana village. It is alleged that Saruchera, in his address threatened the gathering that if they do not vote for the Zanu PF candidate they will be dealt with accordingly. The other candidate contesting this by-election is Getrude Chigwanda. On 22 August 2017, in Ward 18, Mapako area, Nyanga South headman Fungai Mushonga allegedly 11

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