FOOD AND OTHER AID VIOLATIONS Bulawayo  On Friday 6 May maize from the social welfare department was distributed in Makokoba. Later Zanu PF activists claimed the food had been bought by Minister Tshinga Dube who is also the area MP. Three hundred and ninety two elderly people received 25 kg bags of maize each and 100 × 50kg bags were given to Zanu PF branch officials with about 100 elderly people reportedly going back empty handed. Manicaland  In a case of militarization of food aid programs, on 14 May in Maguta village ward 12 Chipinge East, two army trucks, brought food to the village. While doing the distribution, the uniformed soldiers were said to be telling villagers to note well who was giving them food aid so as to vote wisely come 2018 elections. The food aid consisted of a 50kg bag of maize for each identified beneficiary availed by Social Welfare to the area to mitigate the effects of drought.  On 13 May, two identified MDC-T supporters of Mutauto village ward 18 Buhera Central were denied access to food aid by Stanford Mugombe (Zanu-PF). The actor accussed the victims of being sell-outs and asked them to get food from their own party. The food consisted of a 50kg bag of maize per beneficiary from Government to mitigate the effects of drought. Buhera Central is perennially a drought prone area.  Militarization of food aid was also noted on 12 May at Marange Growth Point ward 10 Mutare West where two army trucks off loaded the maize at Domboshava Training Centre. The date for distributing the maize to deserving individuals was yet to be made public. However, the soldiers were said to be stationed at the Training Centre providing security for the consignment. From a political point of view, the use of soldiers in food aid programs has the potential to intimidate villagers and influence political events and outcomes. Mashonaland Central  On 22 May in Rushinga, it is reported that ward 11 villagers were being made to pay US$1 per person as transport to ferry maize from the Grain Marketing Board. A report was made to Social Welfare as people kept complaining about the payment. It is alleged that an identified man was assaulted by Kudakwasha Tawayo who accused him of taking money contributed by people for his own use claiming to be a full Zanu PF member. Gwashure labelled the victim a ZimPF party supporter. The case was not reported to the police. The incident happened at Chongomaga. Mashonaland East 24

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