The food situation remains critical in Mashonaland East and food distribution is taking place across the province. In some districts communities are engaged in food for work. For instance in Maramba Pfungwe constituency there was no food distribution done as they were still waiting for deliveries. However people were engaged in food for work programs.  On 17 May, the Minister of State for Mashonaland East Hon. Ambrose Mutinhiri visited Hwedza to assess the projects that were being run as well as introducing the food for work programme. He said the food for work was being used as a way to develop areas while people also benefit. He denounced corrupt practices where food was being distributed in a partisan manner. This did not go well with war veterans who were angry with the Minister for telling the people that food for work was open to everyone. The war veterans Terry Chagwededza and Peter Chigodora said the food for work programme was for Zanu PF supporters only. Mashonaland West  On 21 May in ward 4 Mhondoro Mubaira, it is reported that about 60 people were not able to get maize after having taken part in the food for work project. It is reported that the maize was delivered late around 9pm and some of the people were given while others were not notified.  In wards 1 and 28 of Zvimba West constituency villagers who had been selected to receive maize were informed to bring $1.50 in order to get the maize. A dollar is said to have been for transport while another $0.50 was for other unexplained costs. Community leaders are said to be taking advantage of the drought to milk people of the little money they have. This was on 28 May.  A religious organisation was distributing food in ward 2 Kadoma Central on 28 May. The councillor for the ward Dhliwayo Mabhanga wanted to hijack the project but the church organisation refused. So he ended up labelling them MDC-T supporters. The church distributed the food which included rice, beans and dried fish to people over the age of 60 who were in the ward. Masvingo  In a case of discrimination in food aid programs, on 27 May, Councillor Munashe Pwanyai of ward 16 Chivi Central denied food aid to ZimPF members including George Mudombo claiming they should get assistance from their own party. The councillor was listing those in need of food assistance in the ward. He only considered those of his own party (Zanu PF). Chivi is perennially drought stricken and in most instances every person needs food assistance.  The militarization of food aid was noted in Bikita East on 25 May in Pfumbidzai and Muvavarirwa villages ward 17 when five army Lorries were seen carrying and 25

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