opposition. Police were called in and they calmed the tempers of the two and the meeting was postponed to a later date. Midlands The Province witnessed an arson attack on an opposition party member in Zhombe where two of the victim’s huts were razed to the ground. Denial of access to food aid to those of a different political opinion was common, with the state militarizing the distribution of relief aid. School buses belonging to school institutions were commandeered to ferry youths and war veterans to the One Million Man March conducted on 25 May in Harare. It is not clear whether the organizers of the march were the ones who met the costs of the journey although information from other provinces points to owners of buses and lorries being made to meet fuel costs of their vehicles. Highlights:  On 23 May, an MDC T member of Masvosve village ward 6 Zhombe had his two huts set on fire by a Zanu-PF activist-Naison Rhumbula Mashavave who is also the village Head. The actor claimed that he conducted the arson attack as a measure to fix the victim’s daughter- with whom he was in love. He further claimed that he got infuriated when the daughter rejected him at a time she had drained him financially. It is a fact that the victim is well known MDC-T party member. During the 2013 election, he was a party Agent for the aspiring MP. The feud between the two has political overtones.  In another case of discrimination, on 17 May in Tsunagai village ward 23 Gokwe Chireya, several people, including five identified victims were denied access to food aid by Kileto Verengera (Village Head) and Zanu-PF activist. The Headman had been tasked to list those in need of food aid by an international humanitarian agency. The actor deliberately left the victims from the list although knowing well that the victims were also facing starvation.The Actor claimed that the victims do not attend Zanu PF meetings and so do not deserve the aid.  There are reports of Zanu-PF compiling lists of people 18 years and above for onward submission of the list to the District Administrator’s Office in Mberengwa. The Councillor for ward B2 Matarutse Mberengwa announced the program on 26 May while addressing a ward meeting in Muketi village. The Councillor Allen Mhaka said that it is a must that all youths of voting age should be included on the list to enable them cast votes in the 2018 general elections. 23

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