Matabeleland North Prominent on political party activities was ZimPF led by Mujuru which was on a recruitment drive in the province. Two of their activists who were distributing fliers at Lupane Business centre were harassed by plain clothes detectives. The rest of the districts did not record incidents. However food violations on political grounds were noted in several areas. Highlights     On 12 May at village 6 in ward 7, Bubi a neighbourhood watch committee member and Zanu PF activist arrested two identified MDC-T members for allegedly fighting with village head Secretary Milton Dube who had refused to register them for drought relief food. The food was from social welfare but the Zanu PF activists said it was party food meant for its members only. On 20 May in Tsholotsho North Zanu PF mobilised hundreds of youths to attend the One Million Man March in Harare on 25 May. On 2 May two identified men were distributing ZimPF fliers at Lupane Business centre, Lupane East when they were accosted by the Criminal Investigation Department and Law and Order officers who demanded to know who had given them the fliers. They ordered them to report to the police station. The two then phoned their leader who came from Bulawayo and met with the police on 14 May. The officers recorded names and particulars of the two men who now feel very unsafe. On 2 May Zanu PF held a meeting at Mawabeni, Umzingwane and said they wanted as many people as possible to go to Harare for the One Million Man March. They said all those willing to go would benefit from government programs in the area. Most people felt this was discriminatory as even non Zanu PF people were supposed to benefit from government programs. Matabeleland South The majority of the reported cases were mainly food related incidents. The debilitating drought has seen some villagers surviving on one meal a day with some going for a whole day without food. Politicisation of drought relief food mostly by Zanu PF activists was wide spread. These activists use their political muscles to deny opponents access to food. The shortage of cash in banks has also exacerbated the food situation. The department of social welfare has been trying to provide food relief but still several families could not be registered on the scheme. Highlights:  On 18 May in Gwanda North a war veteran and Zanu PF member Mr Abednico Nyoni aged 58 threatened to beat up a Councillor aged 73 who is a member of MDC led by Professor Welshman Ncube during a review meeting of the Independence celebrations. Nyoni barred the councillor from chairing the meeting saying the meeting should be chaired by a Zanu PF person because independence is not for the 22

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