AUGUST 2017 warned residents not to associate with opposition supporters. He further told people that only those who had provided his team with their personal details would benefit from government programs. On 21 August an MDC-T member was fined for failing to control a fire that he had started which later on scorched his neighbor's property. It is alleged that things went bad for John Sinokwanyana who was putting up a fireguard on his farm in Chegutu, Dombwe ward 17 using a fire. During the process he failed to control the fire and it burnt Gumede's farmland and damaged the farm house. Sinokwanyana and Gumede agreed on an out of court settlement. However, this settlement did not go down well with Zanu PF Ward Councilor Gladys Kanhema who reported the matter to Chief Chivero. Sinokwanyana was fined two cows by Chief Chivero for property destruction and for unlawful damage of the environment. It is alleged that the issue was politicised hence the judgment was biased. ZanuPF youth who are alleged to have fought over T-shirts (photo by ZPP) A Chegutu family is being threatened by Zanu PF supporters for not attending meetings. It is alleged that a team of Zanu PF supporters led by war veteran Simbarashe Phiri is continuously threatening Patricia Museve* for not attending political gatherings. It is alleged that Phiri went to Museve’s homestead and verbally harassed her, threatening to evict her from her plot if she fails to attend Zanu PF gatherings. Museve was also accused of boycotting and failing to attend a Zanu PF Presidential Interface rally, which was held in Chinhoyi on 29 July 2017. Museve was told that she was in the Zanu PF ‘black book’ and was at risk of losing her property. John Chidzonga* an MDC-T supporter and retired schoolhead; staying in Rimuka Kadoma was threatened and harassed by Zanu PF youth on 25 August. It is alleged that Chidzonga was harassed and threatened in front of people by Timothy Chidemo and Paul Mapamure. Chidzonga was accused of organising an MDC-T meeting at his house. He was threatened that if the meeting was fruitful he would be evicted since Monomutapa Rimuka is a Zanu PF stronghold. During a Zanu PF door to door campaign, several households were harassed and intimidated by Zanu PF youths led by Trust Kadzombe. Residents were forced to provide their identification details, which were recorded in a book on 16 August. It is alleged that some of the residents did not heed the call leading to them being harassed and intimidated. Among them was Peter Mwale who said that he was apolitical on religious grounds as his religion does not allow him to participate in political activities. During the door to door campaigns, Kadzombe 19

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