Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Mashonaland East A surge in political activities brought about a rise in human rights abuses in Mashonaland East during the month of January. Ruling party activists continued to target, harass, intimidate and assault CCC supporters. In Goromonzi, a case on abduction and torture was reported in Phase 6 Caledonia Ward 25 in Goromonzi South on 12 January. About 80 residents, believed to be CCC members, mobilised themselves for a voter registration exercise. At 0730 am Zanu PF members approached the CCC members and enquired on their destination, two CCC leaders were forced out of the bus and assaulted. The two CCC leaders were man-handled and bundled into a Zanu PF truck and taken to Proton farm along Arcturus Road. They were further assaulted all over their bodies with unknown objects and rescued by local farmers who found them dumped in the Proton farm dam at around 17:45 on the same day. Mashonaland West Mashonaland West recorded an increase in the number of human rights abuses during the month of January 2023 compared to December 2022. Cases of police brutality and selective application of the law continue to be recorded in Kadoma Central, a reflection that police officers are no longer promoting and respecting human rights. Duty bearers who are mandated to protect citizens have become villains who undermine the constitution. On 12 January, a case on the right to personal security was reported in Kadoma Central, Kadoma Light Industry. A group of young persons led by a human rights defender had one of its members assaulted by a police officer Sgt Chirambei at their workplace around 11 in the morning. The officer is reportedly beating up people for no clear reason. Business owners and workers around the light industry area are being targeted if they fail to bribe police officers. January 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 28

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