Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Matabeleland North In Umguza constituency ward 2, the village head identified as Teresa Nyathi forced villagers to attend Zanu PF campaign activities. Nyathi told the villagers that they should be reminded that they got their stands through Zanu PF and those that fail to attend and campaign for the party risk being expelled from the ward. In Jotsholo village, it was reported that a Zanu PF member identified as JR Khumalo warned villagers to vote for Zanu PF in the forthcoming elections. Allegedly, Khumalo further remarked that for peace to prevail villagers should campaign and take part in the Zanu PF activities. Political intolerance was reported in ward 5 at Mncetshwa village, where David Dube of Mthwakazi Republic Party was going around the shops intimidating supporters of CCC, saying that they were fools for following their Party President, Nelson Chamisa. He allegedly further warned that those found voting for CCC in the ward would be beaten up. Matabeleland South In Humbane village ward 17, it was reported that Zanu PF activists went around homesteads recording citizens that are allegedly criticising Zanu PF. In a community meeting their ringleader identified as Simiso Gwala warned villagers that they have been given the mandate by the party to deal with individuals criticising the party and government. Gwala is said to be working with others in different wards that include Patricia Mlauzi and Peter Dube. In ward 5 of Insiza South, it was reported that a Zanu PF activist identified as Moyoza told community members that everyone was obliged to vote for the ruling party. Allegedly, Moyoza promised terror to villagers and households that might vote for any opposition party. He further remarked that, "It was easier for Zanu PF to win than CCC”. He then warned that they were prepared to beat up citizens who intended to vote Zanu PF out of power. January 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 29

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