Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Masvingo Political space for opposition CCC continues to shrink as Zanu PF limits space for contestation in Masvingo province using unorthodox means. In Masvingo Urban, the Zanu PF councillor for Ward 10, Sengerayi Manyanga called on party members to stop any CCC meetings in their areas using different tactics including booking venues ahead of the opposition’s proposed programs. Manyanga stated this during a closed-door party meeting for 24 Affiliates for ED at Charles Austin Theatre in Masvingo drawn from the province’s seven districts. In Zaka Central, ward 8, the area’s Zanu PF legislator Davison Svuure turned away the Zanu PF ward councillor, Tererai Tererai at a farming inputs distribution program at Gwangwava Business Centre. Svuure reportedly took over presiding over the distribution. This was suspected factional politicisation of aid by Zanu PF members. Svuure then denigrated Tererai because of his disability by shouting at him pointing out that he was not going to be ‘ruled by someone with one eye.’ Mashonaland Central There s increased surveillance of communities by Zanu PF ahead of the 2023 elections. Wearing of yellow and associating with the Citizen Coalition for Change party is a punishable offence in Bindura, Mazowe Central, Guruve and some parts of Mt Darwin. A female CCC activist was harassed by Zanu PF youths led by Simbarashe Gweshe for wearing a yellow dress. The youths nearly ripped off her dress before some community members intervened and pleaded on her behalf. In Guruve, a CCC activist was summoned to Chief Chipuriro‘s court on eviction charges for supporting the opposition CCC. The case has been pending at the chief’s court since it was escalated to government departments for intervention. In Rushinga, Zanu PF legislator Tendai Nyabani warned councillors and traditional leaders not to distribute government inputs to members of opposition parties. January 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 27

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