voters’ serial numbers. Some curious villagers wanted to programs. The book with serial numbers is being referred to as know the reason behind the submission of personal a ‘book of life’ and the appearances of one’s personal details information and were told that, the names would be used to in book of life is a sign of loyalty. distribute rice and other government benefits. It became apparent to the villagers that those who do not submit their On 25 January Zimbabwe Partners for Prosperity (ZIPP) details would be denied government assistance. convened a meeting in Zvimba West Ward 1 at Nyamangara Irrigation Scheme Gate after which their prospective During the funeral of village head Winston Mlambo in Sanyati supporters were later intimidated. Zanu PF activists were Ward 12, a village head only identified as Gora is reported to annoyed with the gathering and intimidated villagers who have demanded that people form Zanu PF cell groups. It is attended the meeting.. Villagers who attended the ZIPP alleged that on 12 January while addressing mourners, Gona meeting were intimidated by Zanu PF supporters as they were forced people from different villages to form Zanu PF cell labelled traitors. Zanu PF supporters are alleged to have used structures and to surrender their voters’ serial numbers. Gona abusive language to insult villagers who had attended the told the gathered villagers to form cell structures noting down meeting. Villagers who attended the meeting were told that personal details of cell members and their voters’ serial they would be dealt with after the elections. numbers. In Sanyati District, Ward 2 Westwood village a case of harassment and intimidation was recorded on 17 January. It is alleged that, Clara Mhizha* and Laiza Chikerema* from West Wood village were harassed and intimidated by Zanu PF activists John Khumalo and Stephen Kurete by being forced to attend a village cleansing ceremony in which elderly villagers. A traditional healer was hired to cleanse the village however ZIPP holding a meeting in Zvimba West some elderly villagers failed to contribute towards financing the activity. Kurete falsely accused elderly villagers of being witches and reiterated that during the Chimurenga wars On 26 January an incident of intimidation was recorded in witches used to be killed. He said with the coming of elections Chegutu East Ward 3 in Msinami village. It is alleged that suspected witches will be dealt with accordingly. village head Gideon Msinami intimidated villagers during a village caucus. Msinami forced villagers to surrender their Zanu PF ward 17 Councillor, Michael Marecha had a meeting serial numbers and personal details. Zanu PF youths were told at Dombwe Farmers Hall demanding voters’ serial numbers to conduct door to door campaigns collecting these serial from villagers’ on 21 January. Villagers were forced to submit numbers. Villagers were petrified with the development and voters’ registration serial numbers. Villagers who failed were felt intimidated as they remain unaware of the reason behind told that they would not benefit in the government relief submitting serial numbers. 24

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