secretary Jephison Mudyahoto to surrender to him the serial numbers on the voter registration slips. On 11 January, in Zaka East ward 20 at Cheshanga Business Category of incident Dec 2017 Jan 2018 Assault 4 0 Theft/looting 0 1 Chinyaure and councillor Fastino Chigevenga all of Zanu PF Discrimination 1 2 were in charge of the farm input distribution exercise and Displacement 0 0 Intimidation/harassment 6 9 that the inputs were only going to be given to the Zanu PF Unlawful Detention 0 0 party supporters only. It was also said, after distributing the Centre a case of partisan distribution of farming inputs was reported. Samuel Janga, Mujera Charamba, Solomon denied Borniface Gonzo*, an MDC-T supporter these farming inputs on political grounds. It is alleged that these four said inputs to Zanu PF supporters, Janga is alleged to have then started selling 50kg bags of fertiliser at $34 each regardless of the inputs targeting vulnerable groups. In Gutu Central, ward 33, 34, 37 and 38 a case of requesting for the villagers’ serial numbers was recorded. It is alleged that village heads Crediwell Munangarwa and Simba Mutsambirwa both of ward 37, Zanu PF ward 33, chairperson Chiwoerese, ward 34 councillor Ernest Muzorori were the perpetrators. They are alleged to have used the rice aid distribution programme to induce villagers into submitting Threat level: Medium voter registration slips’ serial numbers. Those who had no On 3 January, in Masvingo North, ward 1 Gwengerere voter registration slips were allegedly denied the food aid. The Township, a case of violation of the Electoral Act was Zanu PF aligned perpetrators were reported to have further reported. It was reported that Jethro Chikomo the Zanu PF said the process of collecting serial numbers was going to district chairperson allegedly instructed all village heads in the enable them to note which party one would have voted for in area to collect all voter registration slips from each and every the upcoming 2018 elections. household and be surrendered to him afterwards without fail. Villagers are reported to be living in fear as they are not sure It In Chivi Central, at Chivi Turn-Off it was reported that of what awaits them after the elections. Munashe Pwanyai the ward 16 councillor who is a suspected member of G-40 faction in Zanu PF was harassed by the Zanu It is alleged that on January 5 residents in Masvingo Ward 1 PF ward youth chairperson Namiel Gumbu and one Howard who had registered to vote through the Biometric Voter Madungwe on 14 January. The two who are alleged to be Registration Process were ordered by the Zanu PF ward 1 25

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