village reported the anomaly to the police however, no action details. Villagers felt intimidated by the exercise and the has been taken yet. matter was not reported to the police. Category of incident Dec 2017 Jan 2018 Assault 1 1 Theft/looting 0 0 Discrimination 1 3 Unlawful detention 0 0 Intimidation/harassment 6 15 A gathered crowd being forced to surrender voters’ serial numbers in Nyamande Goromonzi West Zanu PF chairperson and village head Boniface Manyaire forced villagers to hand over voters’ registration serial numbers. It is alleged that on 27 January villagers in Marondera West convened at Manyaira Centre ward 10 where Zanu PF chairperson Manyaira forced villagers to submit their serial numbers. Manyaira is alleged to have been noting down villagers’ names and their serial numbers on a form. However, other villagers did not submit their personal details and serial Threat level: Low numbers citing that registration serial numbers were confidential information. Zanu PF women’s league members had a door to door On 28 January Mkwene village head Christopher Chimombe campaign forcing residents to submit voters’ serial numbers in and Zanu PF ward chairperson Kenneth Marengereke Kadoma Central Rimuka ward 13 on 10 January. It is alleged convened a meeting at Mkwene ward 7 in Goromonzi West. that, a directive to force people to submit their voters’ serial The agenda of the meeting was for reorganizing party numbers came from Member of Parliament for Kadoma structures and mobilising voters for the coming elections. It is Central Fani Phiri. The women’s league forced people to alleged that residents were forced to form cell structures using submit their national identification details together with their their voters' registration slips and surrendering their personal 23

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