in Mt Darwin South Ridgeview ward 26. On 13 January the at his homestead where he told all registrants to submit their assailants suspected to be Lacoste (those affiliated to President serial numbers without fail. One of the victims who asked to Emmerson Mnangagwa) reportedly accused Mudzimu of have his identity protected reported that Mutyandaedza told influencing villagers not to attend party district meetings at Mt them that he wanted to consolidate the details in the ruling Darwin sports club. They reportedly went to Mudzimu‘s party cell database. homestead at night where they assaulted him with knobkerries and clenched fists. Mudzimu is labeled G40 (Those opposed It is alleged that Zanu PF youth Chairperson Ronald to President Emmerson Mnangagwa) aligned to former Local Mukadzonge threatened to unleash violence after elections in government Mazowe South at Protea farm ward 16. On 26 January minister Saviour Kasukuwere and other Mukadzonge instructed villagers to register without fail. He individuals including former First Lady. reportedly warned them to vote wisely threatening people with It is alleged that villagers at Nyamuseve, Camperdown and assault if the ruling party is defeated in the upcoming Makombo farms in Guruve North ward 21 were forced to elections. He was quoted saying that, “Kana tikakundwa attend a ruling party meeting addressed by Zanu PF tichakudzokerai” meaning that “if we lose we will be back for chairperson Cde Maxwell Nyagomo. On 19 January Nyagomo you”. Among the victims in attendance were Farai reportedly assigned about 12 Zanu PF youths who went Mutematsaka* and Tinashe Siyachitema*. around the farms instructing them to attend without fail. Reports are that during the meeting, Nyagomo told the In ward 26 of Mt Darwin South, Zanu PF youth Chairperson audience to note Friday as a day for attending ruling party Danmore Asani went around Camperdon area forcing meetings in the ward. Kevin Marudza* and Paddy Makoni* villagers to submit their BVR serial numbers. On 23 January were some the victims forced to attend against their will. Asani reportedly carried out this mission to incorporate the villagers into Zanu PF cell structures known as Hondo It is alleged that on 21 January Zanu PF activists Maxwell yeminda (the struggle for the land). A victim who asked to Nyagomo (party chairperson) and Nyaude Musauki forced have his identity protected reported that he submitted the villagers at Nyamuseve farm to attend a ruling party meeting required information for fear of his life and for the safety of in Guruve North ward 21. About 6 youths were sent on a door his family ahead of the 2018 elections. He also said that Asani to door campaign to mobilize villagers to attend. Reports are was unpredictable as he commands a gang of Zanu PF youths that during the engagement villagers were made to chant Zanu in the area. PF slogans to demonstrate their support of the ruling party Zanu PF district members Tichafa Karembe, Christopher ahead of the 2018 elections. Pagaravhanu, Durai Nyamukondega, Bathsheba Musvamhiri, Village head Aleck Mutyandaedza and Secretary Shupai Gilbert Zhekete and village heads Prayer Vellem and Norbert Kaseke are said to have forced villagers to submit their BVR Rangwani allegedly forced villagers in Guruve South serial numbers in Mt Darwin East, Mutyandaedza village ward Takawira branch to surrender their BVR serial numbers. 12. On 24 January Mutyandaedza convened a village meeting Addressing villagers on 21 January at Chipungu ground in 20

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