ward 7, they reportedly promised to deny food and other aid provisions from the government to those who did not Discrimination 2 19 MDP 1 0 Intimidation/harassment 16 36 Displacement 1 0 Disrupted Political meeting 1 0 surrender their serial numbers. Reports are that they also named and shamed Raviro Moyo*, Vincent Makande*, Lovemeore Magwere*, Gloria mapako* and Tafardzwa Moyo* as traitors aligned to the opposition. It is alleged that about 12 Zanu PF youths sent by Cde Rukani and Councillor Shereni Mazhambe went around Eastwood, Coolderry, Welmode and Sandford farms recording BVR serial numbers in Mazowe North, Mvurwi area in ward 26. On 13 January the group claimed they were creating a ruling party database of both registered and unregistered farmers in the area. An A2 farmer who asked to have his identity protected expressed disappointment with the initiative saying the youths were violating political rights guaranteed by the constitution. Threat level: Low It is alleged that on 4 January, Zanu PF Councillor Collin Sakarodze gave orders to all ruling party structures to record names and serial numbers of all those registered under the BVR exercise in ward 27 of Mazowe North at Forrester farms. Zanu PF convened a Provincial meeting at Kotwa Resource Sakarodze allegedly told farmers that the information was Centre popularly known as Ambuyanyato hall on 7 January required urgently by the party’s national office. However, the targeting about 500 people but there was a poor turnout. initiative left farmers concerned as rumours circulating are Presiding over the meeting was Member of Parliament that the move would identify those not registered for Magina Mudyiwa for Mudzi West and Member of Parliament Newton Kachepa for Mudzi North. The two were punishment after the 2018 elections. unhappy on the dismal turn-up and then instructed Zanu PF ward chairpersons and Zanu PF youth officers to run into nearby villagers and force everyone to come for the meeting. Vendors’ at Kotwa growth point and church congregants from ZAOGA and Grace Appraise Ministries were forced to attend. Among those who were forced to attend is Abigail Makufa*; Category of incident Dec 2017 Jan 2018 Lisa Murira*, Rufaro Chirombo*; Paul Simboti* and Mavis Assault 5 1 Murwira*. Theft/looting 4 4 21

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