Villagers in Chipuriro village ward 5 in Guruve North were 19 January, Murwira sent ruling party youths who instructed forced to submit their BVR slips. Reports are that on 5 Marimo to attend without fail. Reports are that during the January village head Reuben Mutsani sent a circular to engagement Marimo was threatened with unspecified violent villagers advising them to submit their voter registration slips. action which he could avoid by joining the ruling party. It is alleged that Mutsani has never returned the slips claiming On 22 January Zanu PF activists Nelson Sunday (village to keep them for security reasons. head), Mathias Muwodza and Taisek Maodzwa (village head) It is alleged that village secretary Rebecca Kapuya recorded were caught on video recording BVR serial numbers from Martha Musoso’s* BVR serial number in Guruve South registered voters at Nyangavi Township in Muwodza village Gweshe village, ward 7 on the pretext that it was for ward 5. In two separate videos shared by the ZPP via facebook preparation of a food beneficiary list. Reports are that Kapuya and twitter these activists were filmed recording the has been withholding Musoso’s slip saying that there are information which they claim is part of the ruling party cell errors on it which had to be fixed. restructuring exercise in Guruve South. Some of the victims who asked to have their identities protected reported that the It is alleged that Zanu PF activists Proud Pfotso (Councillor), culprits were carrying out the task as assigned by the party’s Henry Viola (Mbereko village) Owen Sosono (Nyanguse national office. They told villagers that they had to be part of village), Charlse Chinyani (Chiringa village) Ishe Chibura the ruling party cell structures for security reasons. Among (Charunda village) and Russia Sabua from Charunda village other victims in attendance were Bianca Rupiya* , Dessyline have been forcing villagers in Muzarabani North ward 11 to Mpani* and Patience Chisepo* submit their BVR serial numbers. From 7 January these activists have been identified conducting a village outreach A Chief in ward 21 of Rushinga presiding over Nyamanyanya recording serial numbers from registrants. The same activists area, known as Nicholas Chaora Muzika or Makuni has been have been accused of perpetrating violence and destroying accused of using deceptive methods to fundraise for fuel after people’s properties in the 2008. receiving a vehicle from the government. Reports are that on 28 January Muziki instructed village heads to collect $0.50c It is alleged that a Zanu PF youth activist John Mapfumo went per individual as tribute towards holding a celebration around Chogwiza village in ward 10 of Mazowe Central ceremony in appreciation and acknowledgment of the gift forcing villagers to submit their BVR serial numbers. Reports from the government. Defaulters were reportedly told that if are that on 10 January after collecting the information from they fail to pay the dues, they will be forced to pay an registered voters, Mapfumo told them that Zanu PF will use unspecified fine for defying the Chief’s orders. This left the information in due time to track those who will have voted villagers concerned as they accused the Chief of using dubious for the opposition after the elections. plans to raise money for fuel expenses. It is alleged that a war veteran Cain Murwira forced an MDC- About 12 Zanu PF youths led by Malvern Bote allegedly T activist Canaan Marimo* to attend a ruling party meeting at assaulted Stan Mudzimu* for sabotaging ruling party activities Musarara Primary School in ward 19 of Mazowe Central. On 19

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