have been collecting voter registration slips serial numbers in surrendered the requested information. The distribution was Mutandiko village. On being questioned why he was done at Gaza Primary School. undertaking this, he is alleged to have said he was sent by In Makoni Central, ward 17 it is reported that a woman ZEC. identified as Mundoma and her colleague Mvurume both A village head in Chibisa village, Nyanga North, ward 4, affiliated to Zanu PF demanded voter registrations slips’ from Elizabeth Chibisa is reported to have demanded serial villagers. This happened on January 29. The two are reported numbers from all registered voters in Chibisa village to take to have said submission of serial numbers would reward their voter registration slips to be submitted to a meeting on 23 villagers with farming land. Identified victims January held at Cooper at Ruwangwe Growth Point. It is Makoni* and Edson Nyabadza* are of an unestablished alleged that Chibisa intimidated the villagers, as she pointed political affiliations. Prudence that failure to provide the slips was not an option and went on Category of incident to tell villagers that those who fail would be subjected to the Dec Jan 2018 2017 same political violence as in 2008. Theft/looting 2 1 Discrimination 6 15 MDP 1 0 Intimidation/harassment 19 45 supposed to submit the beneficiaries’ lists accompanied by Assault 6 0 voter registration serial numbers. He informed those gathered Banned Political Meeting 0 1 On 23 January, in Makoni South, ward 23, it was reported that Davie Zumbani, the Zumbani village head as well as the ward 23 Zanu PF youth chairperson demanded voter registration slips from villagers. It is alleged that Zumbani told the villagers that on this distribution day all village heads were that the serial numbers were destined for Zanu PF offices in the district for since the rice had come from Zanu PF. The following headmen Chingono, Murumbi, Govha and Matikiti were responsible for compilation. In Chipinge Central, ward 6, a case of violating the Electoral Act was reported on 27 January. It is alleged that the Zanu PF ward 6 leadership brought rice to give to ward 6 residents. Livingstone Makangara the Zanu PF ward chairperson and one Marozva told the gathered residents the rice aid had been Threat level: Medium brought so that it was distributed to on condition they submit voter registration serial numbers as proof that one was a registered voter. The gathered residents abided and 18

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