about him violating the rights of citizens in ward 11.. It was with a list of beneficiaries for the aid was done at a Zanu PF also said that Ndoro further threatened unspecified action to member’s meeting held at Mukunani village in Mushunje. those who are in any way linked to the organisation and other This was said to have been done so that only Zanu PF Civil Society Organisations. members participated in the process and to have their names on the list discriminating others of different political On 12 October, in Buhera West, ward 5 Chinhengeni village, affiliations. Ngoni Machiri had earlier made it clear that no it is alleged that Zanu PF ward leadership called for a meeting opposition supporters were going to be allowed at the venue. and told villagers that they were supposed to carry with them their identification particulars to the meeting. It is said these Kudzai Mashava a Zanu PF youth officer for ward 18, identification documents were going to be used for identifying allegedly forced villagers to attend a meeting in Chipinge East villagers in the distribution of farming inputs for the fast on 18 October. At the meeting he ordered villagers to bring approaching agricultural season. It is alleged that the their registration slips they were given after the Biometric meeting’s agenda was then diverted and became a Zanu PF Voter Registration process, for recording. He is alleged to meeting where the Zanu PF leadership notably Albert have also said he was going to use the same slips to award Chikukwa urged the villagers to go and register to vote. It is farming inputs where one has to produce the slip before alleged that Chikukwa further told the villagers that they all receiving farming inputs. must remember to vote for Zanu PF only as the BVR system can recognise where and for whom one would have voted.. On 20 October, in Buhera South ward 33 Birchenough Bridge, Those who would have voted for the opposition specifically it was reported that Norman Munchini a Zanu PF ward the MDC-T were going to be dealt with accordingly in the chairperson who is also Chief Chamutsa’s aide allegedly post-election period. forced villagers to attend a meeting. It is alleged that Munchini forced ward 33 village heads to coerce their people In Chikanga/Dangamvura, at the District Administrator’s to a Zanu PF meeting. It was reported that at this meeting, offices, it was reported that after registering as a voter, the Munchini ordered the collection of voter registration slips previous day, Charles Mhere was approached by one Peter from all the villagers who have already registered under the Bande who requested Mhere’s voter slip serial number. This BVR process. This is suspected to have been done for the happened on 14 October. It is alleged that Mhere refused to purposes of recording the serial numbers. Villagers are now give Bande his voter registration slip. Bande told Mhere that living in fear. he was supposed to comply as he was carrying out this exercise under the instruction from the Chikanga/Dangamvura On 21 October, in Chimanimani East, ward 15 Ngangu Hall, it legislator Esau Mupfumi. was reported that a community meeting was called, where villagers were supposed to get agricultural inputs. It was On 14 October, in Mutare North, ward 11 Mushunje village, a reported that at the gathering the Zanu PF ward chairperson case of partisan listing of beneficiaries for Plan International Antony Booker Machingauta told the gathering that the inputs aid was reported. It is alleged that the process of coming up were still to be delivered and those available were only going 18

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