Property rights 1 31 Harassment/intimidation Assault Discrimination Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person Right to food, aid and livelihood 19 3 4 26 Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 24 5 29 Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 16 Discrimination Disrupted Political Mtg Assault Total Right to food, aid and livelihood Freedom of Assembly Right to personal integrity and human dignity 6 1 1 24 Harassment/Intimidation Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity 7 7 displacements of villagers in Mazowe South and Mvurwi.  Villagers from Kambamura Village in Mt Darwin South were allegedly being forced to donate USD$5 per household towards the Independence Day celebrations. The move was initiated and supported by the Zanu PF Ward 3 chairperson Never David and supported by war veteran Lovemore Tsangu. The number of politically motivated human rights violations in Mashonaland East declined to 26 incidents in March from 35 recorded in February  A serious incident of discrimination happened at Mutata Primary School in Maramba Pfungwe Constituency where a victim had been offered a temporary teaching post and posted to the station. Unfortunately the acting Headmaster Mr Madakuenda was aware that the victim was an MDC-T activist in the local area of Mutata community. It is alleged that he openly told the victim that he could afford to work with him as that would jeopardize his relations with the Zanu PF local leadership. The victim lives in Mutata Village under Chief Chitsungo. Mashonaland West province witnessed an increase in the number of politically motivated human rights violations with 29 cases during the month of March compared to February’s 21. Intra-party fighting was the major trigger of conflicts in the province.  A chief whip of MDC-T councillors allegedly received death threats on March 24, 2014 from unknown assailants who had been stalking him. When the stalkers discovered they were approaching a public place they fled and shouted at the victim threatening him with death. The victim now lives in fear for his life. During the month under review Masvingo witnessed a total of 24 cases of human rights violations up from the 14 recorded in February. Other sources of conflict include political intolerance among political parties. Most cases reported were of harassment through threats of violence and denial of access to mainly GMB food relief and farming inputs.  Zanu PF supporter Tendai Motsi(40) reportedly disrupted a meeting organised by MDC-T ward structures at Takavarasha Business Centre in Ward 11 in Chivi district. The MDC-T activists were having their restructuring meeting on 10 March when Motsi allegedly told them to disperse and threatened to mobilise Zanu PF youths to come and beat them up if they continued with their meeting. The victims then stopped their meeting and dispersed. Mahs East Displacement Total are Har Masvingo Mash West Total The province continues to record low figures in terms of politically motivated violence. The month of March witnessed 7 cases of harassment and intimidation while February 6

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