Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity 11 1 12 Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 3 S o u t h M a t Mat North Harassment/Intimidation Assault Total recorded a total of 6. The major driver of conflict in Harare was intra-party fights within MDC-T and Zanu PF. Political intolerance among political parties is another major source of conflict which mainly manifested as harassment and intimidation.  In Kambuzuma at section 3 shops on the 1st of March an MDC-T activist was harassed and almost beaten by other MDC-T activists following allegations that he belonged to the Elton Mangoma-led faction now known as the “Rebels” in calling for leadership renewal  At Chirasavana shops, Chitungwiza North, an MDC-T activist was harassed and threatened with unspecified action by Zanu PF war veteran and new farmer Godfrey Runganga for denouncing president R.G.Mugabe and his ruling party for economic hardship being experienced in the country. This took place on the 21st of March 2014. The major sources of conflict in the province are the partisan conduct of state agents in most parts of the province who seem to be openly furthering Zanu PF interests. This has led to the continued victimization, harassment and intimidation of the MDC-T supporters and ordinary villagers across the province. The province has reported a slight hike in the number of politically motivated violations with 12 compared to the 9 reported in February 2014.  At Hololo village, Tsholotsho Business centre, Tsholotsho South constituency, ZRP officers are said to be harassing and intimidating residents at night in the name of curbing criminal activities. It is reported that some residents have been arbitrarily arrested by the police officers and deprived of their freedom of movement in conducting their business. This police operation is reported to have started on the 1st of March 2014.  At Mabobolo Area, Binga North constituency victim (name supplied) and other villagers were harassed and intimidated by members of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID -Police) for wearing MDC-T regalia. The seven CID officers who were reported to be from Hwange making a follow up on a poachers’ case met the victim wearing an MDC-T t-shirt, verbally harassed him for that before grouping other villagers in the area and ordering them to bring MDC-T regalia which they were later ordered to burn. The incident happened on the 17th of March 2014. 7

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