PROVINCE ACTS OF VIOLATIONS HR MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF HR VIOLATIONS Assault Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Total Right to liberty and security of person Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 6 22 10 38 Harassment/intimidation Assault Discrimination Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 45 1 7 53 Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Disrupted Political Mtg Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, education Freedom of Assembly 23 6 1 The province witnessed a slight increase in the number of violations recorded during the month of March. A total of 38 incidents were recorded as compared to 34 witnessed in February. Intra party conflicts within the MDC-T and Zanu PF and general political intolerance emerged as the major triggers of conflict in the province.  MDC-T members were involved in a scuffle which almost led to the assault of deposed MDC-T Provincial Chairperson Julius Magarangoma and Pishai Muchauraya also deposed former provincial spokesperson at the party’s offices in Mutare. The two were eventually force-marched out of a provincial executive meeting on March 19, 2014. The duo was also accused of siding with Elton Mangoma in his bid to oust party president Morgan Tsvangirai. The meeting was held while MDC-T youth toyi toyed outside the venue with placards denouncing Mangoma and allies as Zanu PF stooges. The period under review saw the province marred with political tension in the form of intra-party fights within the main political parties, Zanu PF and MDC-T. Meanwhile politically motivated violations driven by political intolerance continued to trickle in but remained in the same range with 53 cases reported in March down from 55 incidents reported in February.  A Zanu PF supporter was harassed at Marimbizike Kraal ward 11 in Gokwe Sasame by Mathew Nyahwayi also of Zanu PF on allegations that he had removed President R Mugabe’s picture from his Zanu PF cap. He was told to leave the area before Zanu PF youths dealt with him on March 3, 2014.  An MDC-N supporter from Woodent Resettlement area in Lower Gweru Vungu ward 1 was on March 24, harassed by Main Moyo of Zanu PF while in a commuter omnibus traveling to Gweru. He was told to stop supporting Ncube`s MDC or else he (Moyo) would see to it that the victim was punished. The political environment has remained very tense in the province as villagers were being forced to contribute towards the Independence Day celebrations. There were 31 incidents during the month under review. The province also witnessed massive Mash Central Midlands Manicaland HR/FREEDOMS VIOLATED # OF ACTS INCIDENCES OF POLITICALLY MOTIVATED VIOLATIONS 5

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