opposition parties at the bottom of the list. GMB does not deliver enough inputs and those at the bottom of the list will not get inputs. It was therefore envisaged that the village were doing this to ensure that those who go without fertiliser would be from the opposition parties. Some of the village heads implicated are Amos Munemo of Munemo Village in Ward 7 and Munyoro of Munyoro Village also of Ward 7. • On 25 September 2015, Tafirenyika Nume, a war veteran and former Zanu PF district coordinator of Dhamba Village in Mudzi South stopped Paul Ndoro (not his real name) from participating in a development project for the community. Ndoro was excluded from the project to construct a dam because he was accused of being an MDC-T member. Mashonaland West • On 3 September 2015, an MDC-T secretary in the province was not allowed to register for drought relief by village head, Madyara, at Jamba Township in Ward 8 Nyangawe area of Hurungwe North. He was denied because of his political affiliation. • On 1 September 2015, at Karuru Township in Hurungwe North, an MDC-T youth secretary was denied a recommendation letter from AREX Extension Officer which was meant to enable him to get an input loan from Agribank. The newly elected Zanu PF chairperson for the area, Nicholas Chikara, indicated that Zanu PF people should be the ones to benefit first before other people. Hence the extension officer, Ringson Paware, could not write the recommendation letter for the victim. • A meeting was held at Guzha Township for registering for inputs. Councillor Makore allegedly told village heads to register only people with kitchens. This meant that young couples who still live within their parents homestead would not get inputs even though they have children. • Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) soldiers in Kariba needed people to do laundry and clean their camps and so communicated this to the community. On 22 September 2015, people were registering for the jobs at Zanu PF offices at Nyamhunga Shopping Centre where the youth chair, Previous Chibayamagora, allegedly stood by the gate and announced that only Zanu PF supporters would be allowed in. MDC-T members were not to be allowed in to sign up for the jobs. Midlands • On 19 September 2015, some Zanu PF members at Makumbirofa Village, Gokwe Chireya organized some small holder farmers into groups in preparation to receive inputs for their farms but announced that opposition party members were not 25

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