Mashonaland Central
On 7 September 2015, there was registering for seed and fertilizer in Ward 33 at
Rujeko Shopping Centre in Glendale Mazowe South. Emison Chitiza a Zanu PF
Finance and Welfare officer denied members of other political parties to register. All
members of the community had been called to register but those from the opposition
faced discrimination during the process.
On 9 September 2015, Zanu PF chairperson for Ward 16 in Mazowe South, Wilson
Mafiosi, and his vice chair, Tafirenyika Mhosva, denied Gift Pito (not his real name)
irrigation scheme support at Vanabo Farm in Glendale. They had called a meeting for
residents to have access to irrigation equipment from the government but it was
indicated that it would be used by Zanu PF members only. MDC-T supporters were
denied the use of the equipment.
An organisation called COMTEX is sponsoring the construction of a dam in Rushinga.
400 people were originally earmarked to be employed but the donor noted that the
number was too big for them. They tasked the local Councillor Obert Chibaya of Zanu
PF to reduce the number to 100. He removed the excess people on the list. Those
who were affected were only members of the opposition party especially those who
openly supported MDC-T during 2013 elections. This took place in Rushinga on 28
September 2015.
Raymond Nyariri came to address a meeting on youths’ projects at Nekati Village in
Bindura South on 22 September 2015. He said that youths should get projects which
will be assisted by the government but specified that MDC-T youths would not be
registered for the initiative. This took place at Nekati Business centre.
Mashonaland East
On 18 September 2015, Amon Sengwe forced residents of Ward 27 in Chikomba
East to go and buy Zanu PF cards at Sengwe. Newton Majore and Alfred
Mupandusekwa refused to go and the two were not allowed to register for food relief.
One 25 September 2015, at Feels Primary School, Zanu PF youth chairperson in the
area denied Sure Gondo (not his real name) of Rapoko Farm in Hwedza North maize
which was being distributed to community members. The youth chairperson accused
Gondo of not attending meetings but only appearing at distributions.
On 28 September 2015, there was registration for fertiliser in all Seke ward centres.
The village heads had to list the names of people to get fertiliser and submit it to Grain
Marketing Board (GMB).The village heads allegedly listed the members of the