September 2015, David Gunda (not his real name) was told by Oscar Mandebvu not to
attend a Zanu PF briefing at Kwaedza Primary School in Gokwe Chireya because of his
suspected links to “gamatox”.
On 12 September 2015, a member of the PDP was allegedly verbally assaulted by
Bishop Mpofu of Zanu PF at Kasuwe Business Centre, Ward 12 Gokwe Sesame. The
victim was returning from the PDP Congress when he met Mpofu who accused him of
ditching the revolutionary party for a Western sponsored party whose sole mandate
was to destroy and give the country back to the West. The victim did not reply and
kept walking home. When he had walked a distance he heard Mpofu say, “We shall
meet in 2018.”
It is significant to note that cases of victimisation of members of smaller opposition
parties such as PDP, Transform Zimbabwe and MDC led by Welshman Ncube,
among other parties, have not been common. Rather what is common is the
deliberate targeting of MDC-T members.
On 20 September 2015, Mercy Murige, a Zanu PF chairperson who resides in village
7C Kwayedza Gokwe, Nembudziya was unceremoniously and arbitrarily stripped of her
responsibility as head of the district Women’s League after she was accused of being
a “gamatox” member. On the day in question, the MP for the area, Wadyajena, called
for a meeting at Tsungai Clinic. The meeting was supposed to be attended by women
who have influential positions in the party. Murige, as chairperson and the most senior
party member, was supposed to lead the introductions as well as introduce the MP to
the committee. When she stood up to do the introductions and before she could open
her mouth, one, Florence Rwodzi who was seated allegedly abruptly stood up and
denounced Murige as a “gamatox” member and therefore not fit to lead the
introductions. Rwodzi went on to announce that they were duly removing Murige from
being chairperson because of her suspected involvement in “gamatox” programmes.
Other women, who supported Rwodzi, helped her eject the victim from the venue of
the meeting.
On 5 September 2015, Steven Hove (not his real name) of Chikuni Village, Gokwe
Sesame Ward 3 was verbally reprimanded and cautioned by two Zanu PF leaders
Nobert Mpofu and Chipo Sibanda after he had said that he expected that the Zanu PF
December congress would usher in a young and vibrant leadership. The statement
was taken to mean the current crop of leaders is old and not active enough or capable
of taking the country forward. The victim had shared his mind while talking to a
colleague, who then went and reported the matter and discussions to senior party
leadership leading to the reprimand.
In another case of factional fighting, on 12 September 2015, Zanu PF member Clever
Soko (not his real name) of Old Mbizo Kwekwe was verbally abused by Munyaradzi
Mudzani also of Zanu PF who lives in the same area. This was because Soko had
displayed support of a party leader Mudzani is not in support of. The incident took
place at Two Keys Bar, Old Mbizo Kwekwe.