supposed to join any group because the inputs are meant for people who support the
Zanu PF government only.
Summary of Food Violations by Province
Vendors Situation Update.
Following the eviction of vendors
from operating in undesignated
vending sites countrywide in July,
the Ministry of Local Government
Public Works and National Housing
proceeded to order councils to
register all vendors operating with a
view to allocate them spaces in the
designated vending sites.
One of the sites designated by the Ministry of Local
Government ,Public Works and National Housing, still vacant
as vendors defy the order to relocate selling their wares in the
Vendors Initiative for Social and
reports that the registration process
was marred by corruption and partisanship with vendors affiliated to Zanu PF vendors
associations such as Grassroots Empowerment and Queen of Grace getting priority. It is also
alleged that members of The Zimbabwe Republic Police, The Army and Municipal Police
Officers got priority of registering at the expense of genuine vendors. In Harare CBD which has
a carrying capacity of 6000 vendors the Municipality registered an excess of this number
which led to thousands of registered vendors not getting space in the designated sites. This
exposed them to arrests, confiscations, assaults. Those who did not get space in the CBD
were ordered to relocate to designated sites outside the CBD such as Coca-Cola, Beatrice,
Coventry Holding Bay and Mbudzi Round About. Reports indicate that the designated sites
lack proper infrastructure such as ablution facilities and water. The vendors have refused to
relocate and vowed to remain in the CBDs.