AUGUST 2017 Provincial Highlights Discrimination 0 0 MDP 0 1 Intimidation/harassme nt 1 1 Disrupted Pol Mtg. 1 0 Threat level: Low On the 6th of August, it was reported that there was intra-party violence that occurred at the MDC-T offices in Bulawayo. Eight youths stormed a meeting that was convened by Thokozani Khupe, Lovemore Moyo and Abednico Bhebhe. It is said that the major cause of violence, was the fact that Khupe and others had boycotted the signing of the Coalition Agreement of opposition political parties which had been signed the previous day in Harare.. While at the offices, it is alleged that the unidentified youths began throwing stones and ended up assaulting a number of individuals. Property was while blood was splattered on the floor. Threat level: Medium There was a violent clash between traffic police and members of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) in Harare Central Business District on 1 August. It is alleged that a traffic police officer threw spikes at a vehicle carrying soldiers. Members of the army are alleged to have retaliated by physically assaulting police officers. During the attacks Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) officers fled and sought refuge in nearby shops while the military pursued others on foot until they reached Harare Central police station. The violence was reported to have affected street vendors as some had their carts overturned during the clashes. It is alleged that a police officer sustained serious injuries. While this is the reason at the surface there are other undertones like the issue of protection fees in some designated areas in Harare. Malicious damage of property and traces of blood at MDC-T offices during the intra-party violence (Photo by ZPP) Category of incident August 2017 July 2017 Assault 1 0 It is alleged that Zanu PF intra-party conflicts resulted in violent skirmishes at the National Heroes Acre during the burial of the late Masvingo Provincial Affairs Minister, Shuvai Mahofa on 20 August. A suspected Vice President Mnangagwa 8

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