As Zanu PF heads towards its conference, members are increasingly harassing people, forcing them to attend meetings and contribute money towards the event set for December. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 21 November Right to Life It is alleged that an MDC-T youth, *Raymond Masimba fell into a river and drowned when police officers chased after youths that were pegging stands at Mara farm in ward 23 in Goromonzi. However, other reports state that the post mortem results indicate that the victim was assaulted severely leading to his death and was thrown into the river after he had already died. The sub-aqua unit retrieved the body of the deceased the following day. The deceased’s relatives are said to be seeking legal advice and assistance as they suspect foul play. 23 November Right to Personal Security *Gideon Chiza and *William Gombera were unlawfully arrested and severely assaulted by police in plain clothes in Ruwa. The two MDC-T supporters, were accused of arson at Mara Farm. They were taken to an unknown location and were found two days later at Harare Central Police Station. Their lawyer, Douglas Mwonzora, negotiated their release. 24 November Freedom to Demonstrate and Petition Boni Tagwirei the MDC-T councilor for ward 3 together with two other party members were arrested and unlawfully detained by the police after they had gone to Marondera Police Station to give notice of a planned demonstration. The demonstration was against the introduction of bond notes. The three were released the following day without charges laid against them. 28 November Political Rights Dennis Mutadza a Zanu PF youth together with three other youths were forcing vendors in Dombotombo to each pay $1 towards supporters’ transport fares to Masvingo for the Zanu PF conference. Some of the vendors paid while others refused saying they did not have the money. The youths threatened those who failed to pay with eviction from their market stalls. Mashonaland West 17

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