Security those whose names appear on the list. Freedom of association 6 November Freedom of Association Allegedly, Zanu PF youths were forcing residents to attend the party’s meeting that was to be addressed by officials from Bindura at Chimhanda Growth Point Rusambo village in Rushinga. The local Councilor, Manyika had in a previous meeting refused to source food aid for the people and his statement was suspected to have made residents reluctant to attend the Zanu PF meeting hence the need for the party youths to coerce people. 14 November Freedom of Association Citizens were allegedly forced to join a group of war veterans that demonstrated in Guruve North’s ward 6. Guruve North Zanu PF Chairperson, Bernard Mondo, from Manovi farm led the protest whose aim was to demand land. 17 November Freedom of Assembly Guruve police refused to clear an MDC-T rally which was to be held on 18 November at Mudhindo. No clear reasons were given and the MDC-T leadership was forced to reschedule the rally at the last minute. 19 November Freedom of Profession, Trade Or Occupation It is alleged that Kainos Kambanje and seven other Zanu PF youths under the instruction of Peter Muswaka (district chairperson) collected $2 from all the vendors and shop owners at Dandamera shopping centre, ward 15 in Mazowe West. The money was said to be used for transport for youths to the Zanu PF national conference in Masvingo. Those who failed to pay were told that they were not going to be allowed to sell their wares at the shopping centre while shop owners were threatened with cancellation of licenses. Mashonaland East 16

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