6 Special Focus Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Equality and Non-Discrimination ZPP documented 11 instances in which CCC supporters and other opposition members were denied access to Pfumvudza inputs and food aid due to their political affiliation. These cases were recorded in different parts of the country, including Mhondoro Ngezi, Muzarabani North and Zvimba West. On 17 December in Chipinge East, ward 17, villagers from Gangadhlovu village were denied agricultural inputs by Zanu PF supporters led by Douglas Dhundu and Lizzy Jumburu. On 4 December in Silobela, Mabulawa area ward 24, villagers were allegedly denied inputs in the form of maize seed as they were not found in Zanu PF cell registers by village head Abednico Maphosa who was working together with Stanford Moyo. Chapter I of The African Charter on Human and People's Rights (ACHPR) outlines in Articles 1 to 26 the human and people's rights to express an opinion, associate, freely assemble, and have equal access to public services of one's country, among others. December 2022 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 12

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