the armed police has the potential to threaten those intending to access their pension benefits. It must be noted that pensioners had been frequenting NSSA building in an attempt to get explanation over the delayed and late disbursements of their monthly payouts. Since the deployment of the armed police the number of pensioners visiting the building is reported to have decreased  On July 25, Nobert Ndarombe a Zanu PF youth chairperson suspected to be aligned to the G40 faction is alleged to have threatened to assault farmers and people who will heed the Provincial Minister’s call to invade the Triangle Sugar Cane fields. Ndarombe made the threats while addressing a Zanu PF gathering at Rufaro Hall in Chiredzi. It must be noted that Provincial Minister Mahofa has since 2015 been urging people to take over the Triangle sugar plantations and the Governor was also fingered as being behind the crippling 2015 industrial action that took almost two months to resolve.  Access to employment and the right to work were reportedly curtailed on 14 July when a group of Zanu PF members led by Samuel Janga confronted Pamire* of Zibowa clinic ward 20 Zaka East accusing him of allowing an MDC T member Emanuel Matema * to access employment as a General Hand at the Health Centre. Janga is alleged to have instructed Pamire to seek and consult with the party whenever a vacancy and employment opportunities arise at the clinic. It is significant to note that Zanu PF has been has been accused of interfering in the operations of Zibowa clinic and this is the second recorded account in less than a year where the party has interfered with the internal systems of the institution.  Freedom of movement and the right to personal liberty were reportedly denied on 14 July due to the deployment of the armed police in Masvingo town. The police deployment had been necessited by the demonstrations which were taking place in most major towns and the police anticipated these demonstrations to degenerate into chaos. The heavy armed police presence was threatening to the public eye leading people to stay indoors for fear of their lives and in the process being deprived of their freedom of movement and freely associating within the neighbourhood. It must be pointed out that in June 2016, the police were also deployed leading to the abandonment of a planned peaceful march aimed at petitioning the government to fix the economy. 27

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