previously contested in the 2013 elections as an aspiring councillor on an MDC-T ticket. This happened on 25th July.  In Sanyati, Joseph Zvisiki the Zanu PF chairperson was reportedly moving around threatening people not to hold MDC-T and ZimPF meetings in the area or face beatings. People are living in fear and if one is seen talking with someone suspected of being an opposition supporter he or she is threatened with a beating. Silas Nhamo* and Gift Chitsa* of ward 11 were labelled opposition party supporters. The incident happened on July 25..  At Pfupajena Stadium in Chegutu West, Kelvin Moyo* a member of ZimPF was denied entry into the Chegutu Agricultural Show by an unnamed Zanu PF member. Moyo who was wearing a ZimPF t-shirt was told to remove his t-shirt if he wanted to enter. The victim had to leave the place. The incident is reported to have happened on 29 July.  In Hurungwe East, Nobert Masuka*, a teacher who was victimised in 2013 and was fired is now back in the service. The victim had contested in the 2013 elections as a Senatorial candidate for MDC-T and at the time he was teaching at Chikangwe High School. Soon after contesting it is alleged he was dismissed in July by the Public Service Commission but was reinstated in January 2015 after the intervention of lawyers. He was posted at Chivakanenyama High School in Hurungwe West but he has not been paid for 15 months since July 2013 to December 2014. He was not paid for the months he was on suspension. Masvingo Denial of socio economic rights and interference of the party in quasi government departments as well as curtailing people’s right to movement were the major abuses recorded in July 2016. Highlights  Access to information relating to pension benefits at the National Social Security Authority in Chiredzi is being hampered by the presence of armed police who do the vetting of clients intending to access employment benefits from the centre.The armed police were deployed on 1 July to offer security services at NSSA building. While the intention is a noble one, the presence of 26

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