said that if any headman distributes fertiliser for MDC-T supporters they will get into trouble with Zanu-PF authorities.  On 17 December 2015, at around 11am, the district chairperson of Zanu-PF together with councillor of ward 15 called for a meeting at Dandamera Shopping Centre. In this meeting the councillor addressed the community and announced that the presidential farming aid was only to be issued to people sympathetic to the First Lady Grace Mugabe and all who did not support were not to go near the distribution point or they risked being beaten up. Mashonaland East  On 2 December 2015, a female Zanu-PF supporter from Maruta Village, Mushayi ward was allegedly discriminated against by one Richard Maruta at a fertiliser distribution process at the GMB depot in Hwedza North. Each person was receiving a 50kg bag of Compound D fertiliser. The victim’s name was called out but Richard protested that she was not supposed to get the fertiliser as she allegedly did not attend Zanu-PF meetings.  In Chikomba Central, Ward 18 Wazvaremhaka, Ward 20 Gokomere and Ward 16 Nharira there was food distribution on 4 and 5 December 2015. It is reported that people received inputs. A man from Ward 18 was recommended to be removed from the list of beneficiaries for working with the People First party.  On 11 December 2015, in ward 10, Nyamayaro Village in Murehwa North a meeting was held to share fertiliser and a man living with a disability was allegedly denied fertiliser by headman Tendai Nyamayaro and Fungai Machanzi councillor for Ward 10 because he was believed to be aligned to People’s Democratic Party. The fertiliser was meant for people living with disabilities and the victim qualified under that criteria but did not benefit. Other beneficiaries at the meeting received the fertiliser after chanting Zanu-PF slogans.  On 12 December 2015, an opposition activist from Ward 16 in Zvomuya Village in Murehwa North was denied farming inputs because of his political affiliation. The victim was supposed to receive some fertilizer since it was his turn according to the order of names they submitted before the distribution. He was surprised when his name was deliberately skipped. The perpetrators were the local Zanu-PF branch, chairperson and committee.  On 12 December 2015, in Ward 5, Murehwa North Headman Zaranyika was distributing food at his homestead. The food had been received from the 24

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