 On 12 December 2015, MDC-T member, Sarah Muvezwa of Mupati village Makoni West, was allegedly denied access to social welfare aid because of her political affiliation. Mashonaland Central  On 3 December 2015, Simba Nhuta (not real name) aged 40 of Kasukuwere Village in Mt Darwin South had his name removed from the list of beneficiaries who were set to receive agricultural inputs from the government. It is reported that his name was cancelled from the list by Zanu-PF local youth leadership saying that he did not deserve to benefit as he does not attend party meetings. Nhuta is a Zanu-PF member.  On 5 December 2015, at Muzembi Village, Ward 1 in Mt Darwin North, at least four members of MDC-T were purportedly denied to benefit from the maize seed and fertiliser distribution by Naison Muzemba, a Zanu-PF district chairperson. They were accused of not supporting Zanu-PF and as such were told they should not benefit from inputs that come from Zanu PF.  On 7 December 2015, in Mazowe South, a Zanu-PF meeting was held at Umuzi Farm at 10 am. The main agenda of the meeting was the distribution of seed and fertiliser meant for the elderly, widows and orphans. The meeting was called by the Social Welfare through Zanu PF. Sam Chinyama (Zanu-PF Chairperson at Umuzi) had the list of names of people who were to benefit from the distribution. Names of MDC-T supporters were not included on the list. The victims were told that the inputs were meant for Zanu-PF supporters only.  On 11 December 2015, at around 9am all the women in the Glendale area were called to register their names for agricultural and development loans. Irene Muchirikuenda the Zanu-PF district secretary for Mazowe women’s league registered the names of Zanu-PF supporters only. Those said to be MDC-T supporters were not registered. The affected women were from wards 17 and 32.  In Guruve North, Ward 19, a councillor’s secretary is said to be overcharging transport for ferrying fertiliser from the GMB. It is reported that on 16 December 2015 he was accused of charging transport telling people to pay US$2.50 per person instead of US$1that is normally charged. Majority of people paid as they had no choice.  On 16 December 2915, members of the MDC-T in Rushinga were allegedly denied access to cotton seed and fertiliser for belonging to the opposition. It is 23

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