 6 May, there was a Zanu PF rally at Chikanga Stadium and people were allegedly forced to march to the rally. Richard Ziki of Zanu PF who is the owner of flea markets, who is also a Zanu PF chairperson as well as the Town Council chairperson is the one who instructed the flea markets to be closed. The markets were closed from 1 – 5 pm. The incident is reported to have happened in ward 7, Hurungwe Central.  The headmaster of a local primary school is reported to have been harassed by Zanu PF ward 4 Chegutu West shadow councillor on 15 May. There was a sports day at the school which was organised by Tree of Life. The event was attended by many people from the MDC-T and this made the event look like an MDC-T rally. So the day after the event the victim was summoned by Mr Table, the shadow councillor who accused him of using the school facilities for MDC-T activities which is not allowed by the Ministry of Education. The victim tried to explain but the councillor was not convinced and threatened to report him to the Ministry.  On 20 May in Chegutu West at Tingle Business Centre, Zanu PF youths led by Russel Phiri and one Tafadzwa reportedly went around Chegutu town asking for donations for the One Million Man March. Those who refused like the owner of Sibs General Dealer were threatened with violence. The youths approached the owner of a General Dealer asking him for fuel which was meant to be used to retrieve gold panners who were trapped underground. The owner is said to have asked them why they were begging for money yet $15 billion was still unaccounted for. The youths then started to threaten him with loss of business. He was accused him of being an opposition party supporter. The youths were ready to pounce on the business person before intervention of a senior Zanu PF supporter who reportedly intervened and stopped the youth.  An identified former Zanu PF member who moved to ZimPF had reportedly been given a residential stand in Munhumutapa area of Kadoma by Zanu PF. Zanu PF councillor for ward 13 one Godi allegedly wanted to repossess the stand as it was given to the victim by Zanu PF not ZimPF. This happened on 24 May in Munhumutapa, Kadoma Central.  In Zvimba South in ward 6, Kutama village on 25 May, a One Million Man March mobilisation committee was reportedly put in place under the leadership of local councillor Francis Chikambi. The committee included Joe Marimo and Tinos Manongovere of Zanu PF. In ward 21 in Venda village councillor Chivambu Givemore and Zanu PF coordinator Murongazvombo Patrick were the organisers. People in ward 21 were allegedly threatened with loss of land they had earlier been allocated if they did not attend the march. This instilled fear in them since most of them are resettled farmers and they had no option but to comply. At Venda a flea market where residents sell their farm produce and clothing was alleged to have been ordered to close on the day. In ward 6 people went to the march after they had been threatened by the councillor who said all those who did not attend were opposition party supporters and most knew what it meant to be assosciated with the opposition. 20

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