 It is reported that individuals and companies were forced to contribute towards the expenses for the march. In one incident, on 20 May Fungai Manyonga of Zanu PF is reported to have gone to a mining company in Mudzi and demanded 100 litres of fuel for the One Million Man March. The management of the company had initially refused but were told that they were working in this ward and that it was in their best interest to contribute for party business. The company had no choice but to give the Zanu PF youth the fuel. The incident happened in ward 18 Mavhudzi, Toto village in Mudzi South.  In some cases people had to endure the cold weather and hunger as they waited for transport to the march at pick up points. For instance, on 24 May, in Marondera West Jonathan Mushonga and Simbarashe Mudonhi of Zanu PF were moving around forcing youths in the area to attend the One Million Man March. Some of the youths had to sleep at Bveka shops in ward 11 in order to catch transport. Most of them had neither blankets nor food. The youths were told that transport was going to move in all wards and people were supposed to be at the pick up points and those who lived far had to spend the night at the pick up points.  The reports received from Mashonaland East indicated that in most instances villagers were threatened and forced to attend the One Million Man March. In one typical example, in Goromonzi North at Chabwino, Kamuritsa, Munhenga ward 8, people were forced to contribute $1 towards the One Million Man March as well as attend. Transport was provided to those who attended. In Goromonzi East on 25 May people were told by the Zanu PF youths that those who did not attend were not going to benefit from donations that were going to come in future.  In Hwedza North people were forced to attend the march. Farmers were reportedly forced to donate trucks as transport to the march. However, some war veterans were not in support of the march and almost fought with the youths for forcing people to attend the march. The war veterans jeered at the youths when they returned from the march as some were left stranded without transport to return home. On 27 May Honourable David Musabayana apologised at a Heads of Department meeting that some of the people did not manage to get transport to get home. It is reported that traditional leaders were not happy with that as well claiming that politicians were exploiting their children. Mashonaland West Different violations were reported from the province during the month among them the One Million Man March organised by Zanu PF and intimidation due to programmes being implemented by Non Governmental Organisations in the province. Issues of food are still being reported in various areas. Highlights: 19

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