demanded a registration certificate receipt from Sihle Ncube*. door to door exercise registering different households ahead of It is said that, Ncube had completed her BVR registration the maize seeds distribution programme. While registering it exercise at the registration centre at Gwaai Primary School. is said that they made it clear that they were told to register While on her way out, it is alleged that Mutasa ordered her to Zanu PF members only as the maize seeds came directly from submit her registration slip. a Zanu PF led government. Among those who were left out is Category of incident Oct 2017 a known MDC-T supporter, Viwe Moyo*. Sept 2017 Assault 0 0 Theft/looting 0 0 Discrimination 1 0 Displacement 0 0 Intimidation/harassment 5 5 On the 17th of October at Asithuthukeni village in Umzingwane Constituency, it was reported that two Zanu PF members identified as Bukhosi Nyathi and Tracy Simela disrupted a village meeting that had been called to deliberate on issues of food relief/aid. It is said they ordered individuals to register and ultimately vote for Zanu PF in the forthcoming elections. While making their remarks, it is alleged that they ordered individuals to submit serial numbers given after one has successfully registered. On the 24th of October at Mawabeni warehouse of Umzingwane constituency, Zanu PF members identified as Benjamin Sigwazi Ndlovu and Joyce Khumalo instructed villagers to vote for incumbent Zanu PF MP and also President Mugabe. While at the gathering, it is said the duo made clear remarks that individuals who would have failed to vote for Zanu PF shall be traced ‘easily’ through the BVR On the 14th of October 2017 ward 3 of Insiza South system. It is alleged that they made reference of mhan’ uqonde constituency, it was reported that village heads Osta Nyathi episode, illustrating how they will punish those who fail to and Dickson Sibanda refused to write proof of residence comply with their orders. Mhan’ uqonde episode was a terror letters for villagers who were anticipating registering as campaign in Matabeleland during the 2008 run-off elections voters. It is said that the duo, said that they were not in any where members of the opposition were subjected to beatings, position to give out proof of residence as they have no torture and other forms of intimidation. stationary, yet on the same day it is alleged that they provided On the 23th of October, in ward 3 of Umzingwane proof of residence to some Zanu PF members. constituency, three Zanu PF members identified as Alfa On 1 October 2017 ward 5 of Inyandeni Resettlement, it was Moyo, Dumisani Luphahla and Anania Moyo embarked on a reported that Bhigo Moyo and Niko Ndlovu embarked on a door to door campaign demanding BVR serial numbers from 28

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