Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Midlands 20 October Right to Food Zanu PF Ward 9 Gokwe Chireya Councillor, Bhano, told villagers that whoever was going to attend an MDC-T rally on 21 October at the ward centre would be scratched from the food register. As a result of the threat, the MDC-T rally was poorly attended. Freedom of Association 20 October Right to Water Freedom of Association In Nyoka village ward 10 of Chiundura the Zanu PF appointed borehole minder Thomas Fengu told *Florence Mugadza a known MDC-T supporter to go and fetch water in ward 11 where MDC-T has a sitting councillor. Fengu went on to remove Mugadza’s containers from the queue. Right to human dignity Right to personal security 22 October Freedom of Association Access to agricultural inputs was denied MDC-T supporters, *Justice Choga and *Oswell Masina, when the two were allegedly scratched from the government free agricultural input scheme register by Elias Bvumbanyama and Michael Tupe (Zanu PF). 24 October Right to Food At a meeting addressed by MP Leonard Chikomba in Gokwe North the MP is alleged to have heightened intimidation by saying that only Zanu PF members will get maize and MDC-T supporters first have to hand over their membership cards if they want to benefit from the food aid scheme. Freedom of Association 28 October Right to Food Freedom of Association At Ndebele village, ward 24 in Silobela, 66 year-old *Donald Ncube was allegedly scratched from the food aid register by councillor Munashe Mapayo who accused Ncube of supporting MDC-T. 33

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