10 October Freedom of Association *Abel Nengomasha, District Organising Secretary for the MDC-T in Bepuka village, Karuru Township in Hurungwe North had his form for command agriculture torn by the Zanu PF youth chairperson Nicholas Shumba. An Agritex officer had distributed the forms and the victim was returning the completed from when Shumba snatched the form from him. Shumba told Nengomasha that he was not supposed to benefit from Zanu PF as he tore the forms into pieces. 11 October Right to property Temba Mliswa’s car was allegedly stoned by Zanu PF youths ahead of the Norton by-election. The vehicle was parked at Mliswa’s command center in Katanga. 12 October Freedom of Association Temba Tembo a Zanu PF youth in ward 11 at Kaguvi phase 4 is the aspiring councilor for the area and is forcing people to form cells. He is also telling people that if they do not attend his meetings they will not get stands. 15 October Freedom of Assembly The violent clashes were experienced between supporters of independent candidate Temba Mliswa and Zanu PF candidate, Ronald Chindedza at Ngoni stadium. Mliswa intended to hold a rally at the stadium but Zanu PF supporters blocked people from entering. Police arrived and assaulted people forcing most of them to flee from the rally. 18 October Right to personal security It is alleged that approximately 20 Zanu PF youths led by Nigel Murambiwa got off a truck at Speed Fish Market in Katanga, Norton. The youths are said to have assaulted people, forcibly entered private premises and vandalised property. Police reports were made with the following RRB numbers 2953212, 2953211 and 2953214. 19 October Freedom of It is reported that Zanu PF supporters were involved in running battles with Temba Mliswa’s supporters at Dudley Hall School. The Zanu PF supporters claimed that they had been attacked with stones while Mliswa’s supporters asserted 20

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