Food and Other Aid Violations 0/Zero 2/Two 4/Four 3/Three 0/Zero 1/One 0/Zero 0/Zero 0/Zero 0/Zero and other allocations from the President and the Grain Marketing Board (GMB). It is alleged that during community distribution of inputs such as fertilizers , maize seed and soya beans , these activists have been allocating themselves a lion’ share in full view of beneficiaries. Reports are that on 18 December they confiscated maize seed and fertilizer breakages to share amongst themselves yet denying the local community. They reportedly removed Batanai Chikwekwe* and Trymore Moyo*from the beneficiaries list on allegations of alignment to the opposition MDC-T. It is alleged that they have also denied many villagers food aid claiming that they failed to contribute towards the construction of Nzwimbo local clinic. Among those who have been denied their allocations include Zivanai Makushe* , Chris Chimutsa, Jericho Chitembwe* and Rutendo Zvavanjanja*. Threat level: Low It is alleged that Tansatwa Eugine Ngano was denied her right to education by school head Mrs Rupiye at Kudzanai primary school in Highfield west ward 26. On 8 December Rupiye allegedly denied Ngano her grade 7 results on allegations of outstanding debts with the institution. Parts of the alleged debts were inclusive of tuition fees and levies. Rupiye reportedly also refused to negotiate a payment plan with Ngano’s parents. It is alleged that a widow Feresia Chibwe*was denied food aid from the Social welfare by Zanu PF branch chairperson Langton Nzanzi who accused her of being a G40 activist opposed to President Mnangagwa. On 13 December Nzanzi who was in charge of the community distribution of maize for the elderly allegedly denied Chibwe her ration of a bag of maize. He reportedly skipped calling her name from the beneficiaries list. This incident was recorded at Forx farm, ward 16 in Mazowe South. Threat level: Low In Mazowe Central at Nzvimbo council hall ward 8, Zanu PF activists made up of district members, youths, village heads and secretaries namely Winnie Chigede, Chioniso Kodzwa, Loveday Mandaza, Kodzwa Musiwa and John Ndoro were accused of corrupt distribution of farming inputs and food aid from the government through the ministry of social welfare 17

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