Category of incident Dec 2017 Nov 2017 Theft/looting 2 2 Discrimination 6 6 MDP 1 0 Intimidation/harassment 19 9 Assault 6 0 Disrupted Political Meeting 0 0 Tawanda passing by the shopping centre. They allegedly stopped him and asked him to produce either his national identity card or voter slip for identification. Tawanda reportedly was not in possession of his documents hence the soldiers assaulted and harassed him. It is alleged that they accused him of plotting not to vote the Zanu PF presidential candidate. Following the assault, they reportedly gave him an ultimatum to register to vote by January 2018. It is alleged that, a man identified only as Kudzi employed at Chicken Mart, in Bindura was assaulted by two unidentified members of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) at a nightclub in Bindura North Chipadze Shopping centre, ward 5. On 19 December Kudzi reportedly had a verbal altercation with two soldiers when he got drunk. The soldiers allegedly dragged him out of the pub before assaulting him with clenched fists. Reports are they left him lying unconscious on the ground following the assault. It is alleged that in Mazowe North Bare Business Centre in Chiweshe rural ward 3, village head identified only as Godobi instructed his village secretary John Ndlovu to create a database of both registered and unregistered villagers in the ongoing BVR exercise. On 21 December Ndlovu was instructed to write down names of all villagers including those employed outside the village. Godobi allegedly said that the database was urgently required by the Zanu PF provincial offices for onward dispatch to the national offices He was quoted saying, “Those not registered must kiss goodbye government farming inputs and food aid”. Some of the victims recorded were Eriya Chingwena*. Threat level: Low On 8 December in Guruve South, Zanu PF activists Forbes Kamambo (ward 7 councillor) and Abel Chikashe allegedly intimidated Rosemary Ngara* at Kamambo village in ward 7. Reports are that Kamambo sent Chikashe who forced Ngara to submit her BVR serial number. Ngara who reportedly gave them her serial number against her will was warned to vote wisely in 2018. She was told that she was under State surveillance, in case she attempted to vote in favour of the opposition. It is alleged that on 22 December Karesva Patrick* was forced to surrender his voter registration slip serial number by village head Wonder Kazingizi in Guruve North, Kazingizi village ward 5. Reports are that besides Karesva, many other villagers have been forced to submit their serial numbers after registering. Some of the village heads alleged to have forced registrants to submit serial numbers are Wonder Kazingizi, Elias Maringisa (Gomba Village), Nyamaka (Mutsani village), Wachenuka Mupfurutsa Muparaganda and Tuweki. It is alleged that on 11 December, two Zanu PF activists Isaiah Masawi and Peter Mlauzi had a misunderstanding over a piece of land which they both claimed ownership of, in Bindura North, Garikai phase 3, in ward 12. Reports are that Masawi identified Mlauzi developing the land alleged to be a residential stand, leading to a verbal altercation. Masawi reportedly sought assistance from a soldier identified only as Tembo. It is alleged that Tembo threatened Mlauzi with unspecified action before harassing him at the site. It is alleged that a man identified only as Tawanda was harassed by two unidentified members of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) in Bindura North at Chipadze shopping centre ward 12. On 12 December the soldiers identified It is alleged that on 31 December clashes between anti-riot police units and city dwellers resulted in violent skirmishes in Bindura North, Tendai hall, Chipadze shopping centre ward 5. Reports are that anti-riot police units attempted to close beer 10

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