Harassment/Intimidation Assault Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity 2 4 6 Ø Bulawayo Mat South Mat North Harare Ø Total Harassment/Intimidation Discrimination Unlawful Detention Assault Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to Liberty Right to personal integrity and human dignity 4 3 1 1 9 Ø Harassment/Intimidation Discrimination Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 4 1 5 Ø Ø Ø Harassment/Intimidation Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity 1 1 209 7 Ø Towards end the of month on 25 February 2014 the house of MDC-T secretary General Tendai Biti in Umwinsdale was petrol bombed by unknown assailants. The MDC-T is accusing Zanu PF of taking advantage of in house fighting, while Zanu PF have dismissed the accusations, the assailants are yet to be arrested. The Zanu PF party was busy organising for President Mugabe’s 90th birthday bash and the wedding of the president’s daughter Bona. A group of women Zanu PF supporters led by a Mrs Muswe wearing party regalia were moving door to door in ward 39 and 40 of Dzivarasekwa forcing people to donate US$1 per house-hold towards the president’s birthday celebrations. The major source of conflict in the province has remained the partisan conduct of traditional leaders as they are working hand in hand with Zanu PF to oppress MDC-T activists and ordinary villagers suspected to be MDC-T activists. At Siansundu ward, Binga North constituency, Chief Saba is reported to have verbally harassed and intimidated a village head he accused of belonging to the MDC-T. It is reported this happened during a meeting at which the Chief was to announce that the traditional leaders would soon be receiving some allowances. However it is reported that the Chief went on to tell some of the village heads that they would not benefit from the scheme as they were loyal to the MDC-T. The province witnessed very few incidents of political motivated human rights violations in February. The cases reported were of harassment and intimidation while the majority involved discrimination during the distribution of farming inputs such as fertilisers. A trend has been observed where elected councillors from the MDCs are being side-lined in the Zanu PF controlled Gwanda Town Council. The province has remained relatively calm with only one incident of political violence having been recorded during the month as compared to four cases witnessed in January. The internal fighting within the MDC-T has also brought a new source of conflict in the province with threats of violence to those calling for party president Morgan Tsvangirai to step down.

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