Mash East Ø Harassment/intimidation Assault Theft/Looting Discrimination Unlawful Detention Total Assault Discrimination Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person Property rights Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to Liberty Harassment/Intimidation Unlawful Detention Displacement Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to Liberty Right to Property Right to liberty and security of person Right to food, aid and livelihood Total 26 2 1 5 1 35 1 3 15 1 1 21 Ø Ø Masvingo Mash West Ø Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 11 Discrimination Right to food, aid and livelihood 2 Assault Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity 1 14 6 Ø Ø On 14 February, an MDC-T activist of Mvurwi Township Mazowe North was ordered to remove her red MDC-T regalia at Shamwari Joe Hotel in Mvurwi by Action Mubaiwa a Zanu PF Chairperson. The victim wanted to celebrate Valentine’s Day in style by putting on red. Despite the hype in political activities around the preparations for President Robert Mugabe’s 90th birthday celebrations in the province, the number of politically motivated human rights violations remained relatively low. 35 incidents were witnessed in February as compared to the January figure of 26. As a result of the preparations people including school teachers were subjected to various forms of harassment such as being forced to contribute money ranging from $1 up to $5 towards the celebrations bash. Some were forced to attend. People from Marondera district were forced to walk all the way from their villages about 6km or more to the venue. Mashonaland West province continued to experience politically motivated human rights violations mostly perpetrated by Zanu PF supporters towards suspected MDC-T activists. ZANU PF has already started to organise people into cells and people are forced to be part of this process. There are intra-party conflicts in both MDC-T and ZANU PF that have been recorded. The operating environment has become tense as the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) has established sub offices in Makonde, Mhangura and Zvimba districts to monitor the activities of Non-Governmental Organisations. Youths have been recruited as monitors of Zanu PF who attend NGO activities as ordinary people and later write reports. They get contact details for people during workshop registration and follow up on some people. Despite the levels of politically motivated violence remaining relatively low, the operating environment for NGOs in the governance and democracy sector remains tense as the authorities insist on signing of MOUs and presentation of activity plans for the year. Security agents have also renewed their interest in NGO activities. A Zanu PF supporter identified as Benjamin Muondoni threatened to beat up an MDC-T activist who had queried why Zanu PF were abusing aid meant for villagers by denying access to perceived opposition supporters on 19 February at Chitowa Business Centre in Chivi. The MDC-T activist who refused to withdraw the accusation was beaten with fists and sustained an injury to his left eye. He did not report to the police as he thought the perpetrator would not be arrested anyway.

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