Total Harassment/Intimidation Unlawful Detention Discrimination Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal liberty Right to food, aid and livelihood 32 3 2 1 6   Mat South  Harassment/Intimidation Assault Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity 7 1 8 Harassment/Intimidation Discrimination Malicious Damage to Property Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights 14 1 1 Bulaway o Mat North  16 Following the announcement that beginning in 2015 Grade 7 students would pay examination fees, Zimrights local chapter members mobilized for a demonstration against this decision at Ndolwane Centre on 28 May and close to one thousand people took part. The Agricultural Rural Development Authority (ARDA) irrigation scheme at Ingwizi farm stopped tilling 8 months ago and villagers are crying foul as it was their source of livelihood. The local MP is reported to be ignoring calls to hold meetings with the community and instead sends Zanu PF junior officials who spend time chanting slogans and registering youths for what they claim to be registering for pieces of land. Only Zanu PF card carrying members are being registered. An MDC-T activist was on 19 May arrested on false charges of murder after Jabulani Dube of Zanu PF is reported to have falsely informed them that the MDC-T activist had murdered Mchumisi Sibanda. The two had fought six days earlier and went their separate ways. Jabulani then told police Sibanda had died. The victim was later released and fined $50 for assault. On 14 May 2015 Lucy Moyo and other Zanu PF activists seriously beat up a MDC-N activist accusing him of having benefitted from a government fertilizer distribution scheme. They further stated that the fertilizer was meant for Zanu PF members only. He was also accused of having sold the fertilizer. The victim sustained cuts on the face and received two stitches. The matter was reported to police but no arrests were made. Most incidents recorded in Bulawayo were election related as political parties and independent candidates upped their campaigns ahead of the June 10 by-elections.  On Sunday May 31 an agricultural project funded by World Vision to benefit

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