An MDC-T member was denied 15kg of rice at Nyanzou Business Centre when everyone else was getting the rice even though he had contributed towards the transportation of the rice. This took place on 28 May in Maramba Pfungwe constituency. Matebeleland North All districts in the province are in dire need of urgent food assistance as there was no harvest to talk about. Even the few who harvested some crops in places like Hwange and Lupane had them destroyed by elephants and other wild animals. Food is available in shops but most people cannot afford as they do not have money. During the by-election campaigns however villagers in Tsholotsho North accessed rice and maize all of which were distributed on a non partisan basis. Matebeleland South Food is only found in shops as people did not harvest anything. Poverty in most districts also makes the cost of food in shops prohibitive. Manicaland Rice was the only food item distributed during the month. The rice came from Zanu PF and benefited their party members only. In ward 5 Buhera West MP, Oliver Mandipaka is said to have denied MDCT members access to rice. The victims included a headman. 10

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