AUGUST 2017 before assaulting her. The youths confiscated the T/shirt and burnt it. Vheremu’s friends came to her rescue and clothed her. Zanu PF district chairperson Stanford Garahwe allegedly forced Zimbabwe People First (ZimPF) branch secretary Mackwen Marimo to contribute a 5kg bag of maize towards the Heroes’ Day commemorations. Marimo was forced to confirm that he will make the contribution in full view of villagers from ward 8 in Shayambudzi village, Guruve North on 5 August 2017. In an incident recorded in Shamva North ward 8, Zanu PF activists and village heads had a procession to Mupfurudzi primary school petitioning the ouster of a teacher Ayami Maphepha for refusing to pay contributions towards Heroes’ Day commemorations. On 5 August Zanu PF chairperson Dennis Marara instructed the school head, Amos Tsuro, to remove Maphepha. Shamva education inspectors attended the gathering in solidarity with villagers who called for Maphepha’s dismissal from work and eviction from the community. The Zanu PF chairperson threatened to assault Maphepha if he did not leave. An official at the ministry of Home Affairs said he was unaware of a directive to fund raise for Heroes Day celebrations. Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) condemned the initiative as unconstitutional. Raymond Majongwe, PTUZ secretary general, said their union was making attempts to take legal action against government officials that circulate letters ordering teachers to make financial contributions towards national events. In Mt Darwin South ward 24, Zanu PF youth Samson Banda allegedly forced an MDC-T activist to pay double towards the Heroes’ Day commemorations. On 8 August Banda was collecting $1 contributions in West View. When he arrived at *Petronella Dzikita’s home and forced her to pay $2. She believes she was unfairly targeted because she is a known MDC-T supporter Zanu PF ward 23 councillor, Godfrey Sosa allegedly forced villagers to make contributions towards the Heroes Day commemorations in Muzarabani North at Museredzi village. On 8 August, Sosa instructed village head Marevesa Matemayi to collect $1 contributions per household without fail. Villagers were mobilized at Museredzi and forced to contribute a $1, 5kg bags of mealie meal or 750 ml of cooking oil. Matemayi told villagers that failure to comply with the directive would result in certain punishment hence people contributed against their will. On 5 August Zanu PF activist *Maureen Gumbo was allegedly intimidated at a ruling party meeting held at Rosa township ward 10 in Mazowe South. Zanu PF ward coordinator Innocent Chayamiti accused Gumbo of being aligned to Lacoste, a faction suspected of links with Vice President Mnangagwa. Gumbo was ordered to stand up and she was ridiculed in front of her family and villagers. She was told to repent or face the wrath of ruling party supporters. Zanu PF Guruve district schools administrator Romeo Shangwa allegedly threatened secondary and primary school heads who did not contribute towards the Heroes’ Day commemorations. Shangwa said those who did not contribute would not benefit from government agricultural inputs schemes or take part in elections as election agents. He confirmed that a number of school heads did not contribute although he did not mention their names. 14

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